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Life and Duality

Writer: chainakarmakarchainakarmakar

Updated: Dec 2, 2022

Is the world of positivity a selling word? Is the concept of positivity creating fear in people? Aren’t they create more stress to be positive in life?

We live in the world of duality but our conditioning or upbringing always says discard the dark/negative and embrace the light/positive. But no one teaches us how? Since childhood, there is always a struggle to be happy and to drop the negativity, so we are being taught to struggle and the struggle is continuing.

Now the question comes why to reject our dark side? By rejecting them are we able to get rid of them? No, because negative, positive both take birth within self. By discarding them we won't be able to heal them. The more we try to be happy and try to get rid of negativity, the more we get trapped. Duality exists and we can not discard or ignore it by sticking to the idea of being positive. Duality can be witnessed in every aspect of life Pleasure/pain, Courage/fear, love/hatred, happiness/sadness, light/dark, cold/hot, feminine/masculine, acceptance/rejection, negative/positive thus our life goes on. Now by trying to be positive, we create a lot of stress in our system as well as fear. Actually, this fear limits us and doesn’t allow us to vibrate at a higher frequency.

Being stuck in good or bad is always considered as stuck. People get stuck with the good also and life long they try to stick to the good. This attitude brings a lot of friction within us and doesn't allow us to live the moment. I would like to give an example to bring more clarity to it. For example, I tried a cup of coffee in a caffe and the aroma, the taste was very unique, now I try to search the same taste everywhere. By sticking to the good taste I am unable to enjoy the other coffee. Life is like the same, consist of both good and bad, if we get stuck we lose the experience. In the absence of experience, we create a monotonous life without any rhythm, adventure, and exploration.

Fear of Uncertainty and Unknown:

We always try to fix everything in order to feel secure, but we don’t understand that while doing so we are pushing ourselves from life. Our fear of unknown and uncertainty brings chaos, we are not capable of handling those emotion. We suffer in our known boundaries but we feel safe because they are known to us and we keep nurturing our sufferings. We are fearful to broaden up our boundaries because that gives us very scary feeling and this is how we limit our life by sticking to the fear of unknown. Our attachment to our emotions is very deep and rigid. We cook the same story again & again because it becomes our rigid, permanent electro magnetic field and we attract similar people, event to validate our stories.

Even if we understand in-depth meaning of unknown and uncertainty logically, actually we are liberated to certain extent.

Don't stick to jargons like self-love, evoking inner child, ball of positivity, manifestation. Believe me, all these create fear in the system. In order to be positive people are inflicting fear. Fear cannot bring relaxation to the system. So the whole idea is to be comfortable with both dark and light only then one will be able to witness easiness in life. For example, if we don't see the dirt at home we won't be able to clean it. Now the real question comes how to deal with duality and how to bring balance to our emotions. Maybe few of you have the question of why to bring easiness to positive emotions? In excitement, people do some crazy things and the consequence can be witnessed later. Grounding of emotions is very important, it keeps us balance, composed without disturbing the inner wellbeing.

1. One needs to be aware(AWARENESS) of own dark, light both

2. Bringing ACCEPTANCE to them is the most important step. The acceptance to the duality brings inner peace and this peace is the key to health and happiness

3. INTENT to come out of them. Intent can be a choice and depends on the person’s pace of evolution

4. Initially putting self in discipline for evolution can be an effort but consistency can change the scenario

5. Any process which leads you on the path of the inner journey is fine

6. Life always should be experienced from inside to outside rather than sticking to outside only, in that situation life will be a reflection of the outside chaotic world

7. One needs to work through some scientifically designed program rather than working on bits and pieces. One needs to peel layer after layer to discover self and to experience self love.

If one is able to maintain consistency, life can be an experience or else it is a mundane structured life with a lot of misery. One’s focus should be on self and on to bring easiness to the system. Working on self will bring a lot of clarity and understanding, peeling off layer will happen on its own. Effortlessly one can reach the source of love and happiness. So relax and practice, remember without process it is not possible. Life is a mystery cannot be solved, it is to be lived. So live life fully, bliss and peace will be byproduct without any efforts.



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